Gunther Reißig and Thomas Klimpel.
Method for computer-aided prediction of the behavior of a system described by differential equations.
Patent DE 10103793, 28 Jan 2001.
Abstract. (Free access.)
BibTeX entry:
 author = {Gunther Reissig and Thomas Klimpel},
 title = {Verfahren zum computergest{\"u}tzten {V}orhersagen des {V}erhaltens eines durch {D}ifferentialgleichungen beschreibbaren {S}ystems},
 howpublished = {Patent {DE} 101 03 793},
 month = {28~} # jan,
 year = 2001,
 note = {\iflanguage{german}{}{(``Method for computer-aided prediction of the behavior of a system described by differential equations'', in German)}}

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