Mohamed Serry and Gunther Reissig.
Hyper-rectangular over-approximations of reachable sets for linear uncertain systems.
Proc. 57th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), Miami, FL, USA, 17-19 Dec. 2018, pp. 6275-6282.
Full text. (Definitive publication; restricted access.)
In this paper, we propose a novel method to construct hyper-rectangular over-approximations of reachable sets for a general class of linear uncertain systems whose nominal parameters and bounds on uncertainties are time-varying. The motivation of this paper is the need for relatively accurate yet computationally inexpensive over-approximation method that is practical in various control methods especially abstraction-based control synthesis. We demonstrate the proposed method in an illustrative example and two control examples related to abstraction-based control synthesis. In these examples, the proposed method shows excellent results in terms of representing reachable sets with reasonable accuracy and allowing the implementation of time-varying control input signals.
BibTeX entry:
  author = {Mohamed Serry and Gunther Reissig},
  title = {Hyper-rectangular over-approximations of reachable sets for linear uncertain systems},
  booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control (CDC), Miami, FL, USA, 17-19 } # dec # { 2018},
  pages = {6275-6282},
  year = {2018},
  doi = {10.1109/CDC.2018.8619276}

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