Gunther Reißig and Holger Boche.
Straightening out trajectories near singular points of implicit differential equations.
Proc. 9th Int. Symp. System-Modelling-Control (SMC), P. S. Szczepaniak, ed., Zakopane, Pl., April 27 - May 1, 1998.
Full text. (Free access.)
Under appropriate assumptions, it is shown that there is a diffeomorphism that transforms solutions of the implicit differential equation A(x)x'=g(x) near points at which A is singular into solutions of the normal form
x1r x1' = +/-1,
x2' = ... = xn' = 0
near 0, and vice versa. In particular, standard singular points in the sense of Rabier correspond to r = 1 in the above normal form. A practical example leading to the normal form with r = 2 is also given.

BibTeX entry:
 author = {Gunther Rei{\ss}ig and Holger Boche},
 title = {Straightening out trajectories near singular points of implicit differential equations},
 booktitle = {Proc.~9th Int. Symp. System--Modelling--Control (SMC), Zakopane, Pl., } # apr # { 27--} # may # { 1},
 year = 1998,
 editor = {P. S. Szczepaniak},
 isbn = {83-909161-0-X}

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