The Systems and Control Seminar

Gunther Reißig

The seminar covers current topics in systems and control and normally meets at 1pm on Wednesdays. Meetings are either open to all members of the Bundeswehr University Munich, or are internal to the Institute of Control Engineering. For details, see the announcements below.

Upcoming talks:

2 Nov 2022, V. Chaim:
Rotor's Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

Archive of slides: Accessible from within the University of the Armed Forces with a password.

Past talks:

9 Sep 2022, V. Chaim: Rotor's Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

27 Jul 2022, V. Chaim: Rotor's Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

12 Jan 2022, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

29 Sep 2021, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

9 June 2021, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

19 May 2021, V. Sinyakov: On certain properties of Markov moments sets.

21 Apr 2021, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

10 Mar 2021, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

10 Feb 2021, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping (cont'd).

25 Nov 2020, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model - Flapping .

21 Oct 2020, V. Chaim: Quadrotors Dynamic Model.

30 Sep 2020, E. Macoveiciuc: Space efficient representation of symbolic controllers (cont'd).

23 Sep 2020, V. Chaim: Rotors Dynamic Model.

10 Sep 2020, F. dos Santos Barbosa (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden): Motion Planning and Control Under Spatio-Temporal Specifications.

29 July 2020, J. Inostroza: Higher order Approximation of the L1 Norm (cont'd).

22 July 2020, V. Chaim: Quadrotor Dynamic Model.

1 July 2020, J. Inostroza: Higher order Approximation of the L1 Norm (cont'd).

24 June 2020, E. Macoveiciuc: Space efficient representation of symbolic controllers.

17 June 2020, V. Chaim: Abstraction Based Controller - Quadrotor Hover (cont'd).

3 June 2020, J. Inostroza: Higher order Approximation of the L1 Norm (cont'd).

27 May 2020, E. Macoveiciuc: Guaranteed memory reduction for synthesis of correct-by-design invariance controllers.

20 May 2020, V. Chaim: Abstraction Based Controller - Quadrotor Hover (cont'd).

6 May 2020, E. Macoveiciuc: Space-efficient data structures for symbolic controller synthesis.

6 May 2020, J. Inostroza: Higher order Approximation of the L1 Norm (cont'd).

29 Apr 2020, V. Chaim: Abstraction Based Controller - Quadrotor Hover (cont'd).

26 Feb 2020, V. Chaim: Abstraction Based Controller - Quadrotor Hover.

26 Feb 2020, J. Inostroza: Higher order Approximation of the L1 Norm.

12 Feb 2020, E. Macoveiciuc: Code dependencies of the symbolic synthesis software.

4 Dec 2019, V. Chaim: Abstraction-Based Controller: Quadrotor Hover.

27 Nov 2019, E. Macoveiciuc: Abstraction-Based Synthesis software structure.

6 Nov 2019, V. Chaim, Differentiation by High-Gain Observers with Error Bounds.

31 July 2019, V. Chaim, Systematic Review of Differentiation Methods.

7 June 2019, V. Chaim, Information-based complexity: Worst Case Setting.

15 May 2019, E. Macoveiciuc, Computational efficiency in abstraction-based control.

8 May 2019, V. Chaim, Savitzky-Golay Filter.

6 Mar 2019, W. Kallert (Syrphus GmbH), Approval and approval procedures for the use of UAVs - today and in the future.

27 Feb 2019, E. Macoveiciuc, Adaptive multi-layered abstraction of control systems for reach-avoid problems.

20 Feb 2019, M. Serry, Accurate over-approximations of reachable tubes for linear time-variant systems with uncertain inputs.

23 Jan 2019, M. Serry, An Application of Lebesgue Decomposition Theorem in Quadrature Methods.

9 Jan 2019, M. S. Tomar (Technical University of Munich), Reachability analysis in context of symbolic controller synthesis.

12 Dec 2018, M. Serry, Hyper-rectangular over-approximations of reachable sets for linear uncertain systems.

5 Dec 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Memory efficient symbolic solution of safety problems.

14 Nov 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Efficiency and modularity issues of implementation of symbolic control algorithms.

7 Nov 2018, M. Serry, Approximating Riemann integrals using the Midpoint rule: error estimates.

31 Oct 2018, V. Chaim, Embedded Drift-Free Velocity Estimator for a Quadrotor.

10 Oct 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Representation of symbolic sets for asbtraction-based control.

26 Sep 2018, M. Serry, Application of Logarithmic Norms and Component-Wise Estimates in Reachability Analysis for Linear Systems.

19 Sep 2018, V. Chaim, PhD Project Proposal: Flight Performance Requirements Fulfillment through Automatic Abstraction-based Controller Synthesis.

18. July 2018, M. Serry, Over-approximations of reachable sets for linear systems with uncertainties in the input: Putzer's method.

13. July 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, V. Cheidde Chaim, Efficient synthesis of symbolic controllers - Prospects to UAV path planning.

9. July 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Efficient synthesis of symbolic controllers.

30. May 2018, M. Serry, Taylor numerical methods for affine control systems.

16. May 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Analysis of the internal functionality of symbolic synthesis software implemented in Ada.

2. May 2018, M. Serry, Convergent over-approximation method for linear time-variant systems with uncertain inputs.

18. Apr 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Effect of Ada memory management on the abstraction-based synthesis.

4. Apr 2018, M. Serry, A method to cover zonotopes with hyper-rectangles.

28. Mar 2018, H.Zhou, Low-Level Controller Design for Double Integrator System.

21. Mar 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Solving reach-avoid control problems on-the-fly.

21. Feb 2018, M. Serry, Over-approximations of reachable sets for nonlinear systems: variational equations approach.

14. Feb 2018, H. Zhou, Obtaining Complex Separators using Minkowski Operations.

7. Feb 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Approximations of functions over high dimensional domains.

17. Jan 2018, H. Zhou, Optimal Control and Reduced System Dimension.

17. Jan 2018, E. Macoveiciuc, Comparison of Symbolic Optimal Control software.

10. Jan 2018, M. Serry, Convergent over-approximations of reachable sets for a class of nonlinear differential inclusions.

22. Nov 2017, E. Macoveiciuc, On coarser discretization for abstraction-based synthesis.

15. Nov 2017, M. Serry, Hyper-rectangular over-approximations of reachable sets for linear uncertain systems.

8. Nov 2017, G. Reißig, Abstraction-based solution of a class of discrete-time optimal control problems.

18. Oct 2017, F. Gossmann, Performance oriented fault tolerant controller design using LPV control with partly-measurable parameters.

6. Sep 2017, H. Zhou, Simplifying the System Complexity for Controller Synthesis.

2. August 2017, H. Zhou, Improving the Accuracy of the Simplified Systems via Optimal Control Techniques.

26. July 2017, E. Macoveiciuc, Reducing Space Complexity of Symbolic Controller Synthesis.

19. July 2017, F. Gossmann, Fault Tolerant Control Approach for Passive Handling of Actuator Degradation of a Hexacopter using an LPV State-Feedback Controller with Partly-Measured Parameters.

12. July 2017, J. Rieger (Monash University Melbourne), Recent advances in domain reconstruction from electrical impedance tomography data.

5. July 2017, H. Zhou, ODEs with Piecewise Continuous Right-Hand Sides.

31. May 2017, E. Macoveiciuc, Ada implementation of the generalized Dijkstra search method.

24. May 2017, H. Zhou, Ada Implementation for Over-Approximation Methods of Attainable Sets.

3. May 2017, F. Gossmann, Control of Nonlinear Systems using LPV-Theory.

12. Apr 2017, E. Macoveiciuc, A method to lower memory use for synthesis of controllers.

5. Apr 2017, H. Zhou, A Means for Reducing System Dimension.

29. Mar 2017, D. Gromov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Control of Epidemics: Numerical Optimal Control and beyond.

15. Mar 2017, A. Weber, Ada implementation of abstraction-based controller synthesis: Modular design of the implementation.

8. Mar 2017, H. Zhou, Reducing System-Dimension for Controller Synthesis.

1. Mar 2017, E. Macoveiciuc, An external memory approach to shortest path problems.

22. Feb 2017, K. Figel, Modeling for Virtual Calibration of Drivability Controllers.

8. Feb 2017, E. Macoveiciuc, Dijkstra-like algorithms for abstraction based controller synthesis.

25. Jan 2017, F. Gossmann, Introduction into Multicopter Modeling for Control Design Purposes.

11. Jan 2017, A. Weber, Ada implementation of abstraction-based controller synthesis: source code organization and input language.

7. Dec 2016, A. Weber, Automated computation of rounding errors caused by floating-point arithmetic.

30. Nov 2016, G. Reißig, Shortest Path Problems in Metric Spaces.

8. Jun 2016, M. Becker (Technical University of Munich), Einführung in die Programmiersprache Ada.

23. Mar 2016, H. Zhou, Feedback Refinement Relations for the Synthesis of Symbolic Controllers.

7. May 2015, D. Werner, Stabilisierung eines Modellbau-Motorrades.

7. May 2015, J. Beier, Regelung eines Geländefahrzeuges.

11. Feb 2015, F. Steppich, Effiziente Datenstrukturen für den abstraktionsbasierten Reglerentwurf.

4. Feb 2015, G. Reißig, Abstraktionsbasierter Reglerentwurf.

10. Dec 2014, A. Weber, A linear time algorithm to verify strong structural controllability.

29. Oct 2013, A. Weber, Strongly convex attainable sets and low complexity finite-state controllers.

13. Mar 2013, J.-P. Volquardsen, Inbetriebnahme, Modellierung und Regelung eines Dreifach-Pendels.

7. Nov 2012, M. Kirch, Entwurf und Vergleich verschiedener Regelungskonzepte für ein nichtlineares Mehrgrößensystem.

7. Nov 2012, Ch. Oeser, Entwicklung und Erprobung verschiedener Beobachter für ein vereinfachtes Hubschraubermodell.

16. Oct 2012, N. Schrader, Regelung einer wiederzündbaren kryogenen Oberstufe zur Unterdrückung des Treibstoffschwappens während ausgewählter Manöver.

25. Oct 2011, A. Weber, Controller synthesis for safety and reachability via approximate bisimulation.

Impressum und Haftungsausschluß